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English-Hindi > babinski reflex

babinski reflex meaning in Hindi

babinski reflex sentence in Hindi
बैबिन्स्की प्रतिक्रिया

बेबिंन्‍स्‍की प्रतिवर्त
babinski    बैबिन्स्की
reflex    छाया प्रतिबिंब
1.The results of the study showed that the sucking reflex was performed normally most often ( 63.5 % ), followed by the Babinski reflex ( 58.7 % ), and the Moro reflex ( 42.9 % ).

2.Reflexes may also be limited to those areas affected by the atypical neurology, ( i . e ., individuals with cerebral palsy that only affects their legs retaining the Babinski reflex but having normal speech ); for those individuals with hemiplegia, the reflex may be seen in the foot on the affected side only.

How to say babinski reflex in Hindi and what is the meaning of babinski reflex in Hindi? babinski reflex Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.